Posts Tagged ‘How to freeze limas and butterbeans’

How to Freeze Limas and Butterbeans

We love limas. My favorite is the Fordhook variety but I like to pick them young.  There is no comparison to homegrown limas and limas found in the grocery store. I have tried numerous times to buy them, even buying the Fordhook  variety, but they are very mealy.  Some things I like to can and some freeze. Limas I like to freeze. They have much better favor.

After they are picked I find a nice place to sit and shell.

Shelling limas is not hard, just give the bean a twist and it pops open. With your thumb nudge the beans out of the pod.

I washed the shelled beans twice to remove any dirt.

Now they are ready to freeze.

I have a special pan I blanch my beans in.

Fill the pan about half full of  water. When the water comes to a boil add some limas to the top part (sieve section).

Bring to a boil for 1 minute. Lift the sieve section out of the pan and dump the beans into a pan to tap water to cool for several minutes. Then I dump them into ice water to finish cooling. The reason I put them in tap water first is simply to cool them some and help save on the amount of ice needed.

After they are cool I spoon them into freezer boxes or bags.

I write the date on the top and put them in the freezer.