Archive for Family History

Remembering Daddy

What a week! It was a week of many emotions but it was a good week. In the midst of our loss we could celebrate because daddy was finally freed from the earthly bonds that held him and he was now home with Jesus. Free. Whole. Happy. Redeemed. My brother Rich and I “highfived” after the service. We had done it. We had seen him through and cared for him as a family the best we could these last three years. I won’t pretend it was easy or smooth sailing, the seas were mighty rough at times. We had tried to talk to mother before she died and asked her advice on how to care for daddy. It was not helpful. Everything we suggested, she said would not work, so we had to choose a won’t work option and make it work. We really began to understand the burden she had been carrying. Dementia is a cruel taskmaster and it did not treat daddy well. We kept reminding ourselves this was not daddy, it was his disease. But it was daddy, with the disease. It was his worse fear coming true.

So this week as we began to prepare for his service, we reminiscenced our memories, put together a picture powerpoint, set up a display of memorabilia, prepared a sermon and graveside service meditation, choose our songs, wrote an obituary, designed a bulletin, notified family and friends, and all the many details that went with it, something happened, something good and profound. We dug past the last three years and the daddy of old began resurfacing. We remembered his faith stories, his smile, his humor, his church work, his life stories, his quirks, his habits and his personality. We remembered the love he had for mother and how he and mother modeled a good marriage. We remembered hard work, fun times, and discipline. We remembered his favorite song, his favorite verse and his favorite foods. It was healing. It was comforting. It was freeing. We were given the remembrance of the gift of a godly heritage.

We experienced the love and comfort of family, extended family, friends and neighbors. Some came from hundreds of miles and some from across the road. Some were friends from years gone by who we hadn’t seen in years but had come to let us know they cared and the impact daddy had on their lives.

Daddy and mother had lived a good full life-70 years together. They had traveled extensively in their later years and developed many friendships. They opened their home to two different girls who lived with them for a period of time. Daddy was a dairy farmer but his real passion was ministry. He pastored at Morning View Mennonite Church for twenty-four years and was interim pastor at Faith Mennonite Church in South Boston for two years. They had four children, thirteen grandchildren and thiry-nine great-grandchildren. Their quiver was full!

The day of the burial and Celebration of Life we were ready. We were ready to speak freely and honestly about our parents and honor them with gratitude for the rich and godly heritage they had lived and given to us. Rich gave the graveside meditation and the grand and great-grandchilden sang “I’m Pressing On the Upward Way”. It was beautiful. During the service several of the grandchildren had special music, Eileen and I both shared a tribute and Ed preached the sermon. Yes we got a little emotional at times but it was good and we feel so blessed and honored to call Dwight Heatwole our dad.

One other very special thing that we did for mother and daddy……. Ed and Rich together built their caskets. Eileen prepared the inside lining and pillows.

Daddy’s casket

Karmen designed and printed an individualized plaque for each of them that we put on the inside lid of the casket. They were so creative and professionally done. Mothers plaque had all our names in a border around the plaque. There was a cascade of flowers with sewing/quilting objects enterwined and a verse that represented the godly person she was. Proverbs 31:28.

Daddy’s had an engraving of his favorite verse (Philippians 3:12b), the farm house with the stone wall fence and the huge elm tree at the front corner of the house. All our names are engraved on the leaves of the tree.

Daddy’s Plaque

When the time came to take daddy’s casket to the funeral home, Ed and Rich took it in the back of Ed’s pickup. The pickup had been daddy’s pride and joy. Even when he had forgotten lots of other things, he would ask over and over where his pickup was and maybe five minutes later ask again. We were always glad to tell him that Ed had it.

Pat’s Tribute to Daddy

This past Sunday we visited daddy.  He was failing fast, and we knew that we knew it would not be much longer, but it was rather shocking when we walked into his room.  We wondered if each labored breath would be his last. We sang to him a few songs about heaven. I prayed with him and told him how much I loved him, shared with him that he would soon see Jesus and gave him permission to go home to Jesus.

As long as I can remember, daddy’s favorite song was “Sweet By and By”.  As we sang it visibly affected him even though he was barely with us. Remember when we used to have song services? Whenever daddy was given an opportunity, he requested #630 in the Church Hymnal.  It may sound rather odd, but even when he was Bible School superintendent, he would often close with that song. Daddy had a heart that was sensitive to, looked forward and yearned for the coming again of Jesus and the promise of that land that was fairer than day.  Ironically, he had to wait 93 years! On the farm there was a path that went through the field from the house to the barn. A power line was strung overhead. He was known to say that each morning when he went to the barn to milk, he would look up to see if the power lines were in place and then would say, “Jesus, will it be today?”

After I gave this tribute at the funeral, the man who bought daddy’s farm came to us and showed us this picture he had taken of daddy’s electrical pole!!!! He loved the story and now the pole had special meaning to him!!!

I knew daddy as a strong man of God, and he was intentional about living out his faith. Every morning, we had devotions at the breakfast table and would sing a hymn. If we were running a little late or our ride to EMHS was a little early, they had to wait until he was finished.

Almost all of my church memories are from Zion Hill. Daddy served in many different roles; Sunday School teacher, Superintendent, youth leader, Bible School teacher and superintendent and after I left home as pastor at Morning View and Faith. I remember at one point he bought a van just so he could pick up children and bring them to Sunday School, church, and Bible School.

He was a creative teacher and superintendent. One time he built a little train to collect soap for missions.  He liked visuals and did things like hanging up strings of Christmas lights at Bible School so the children to turn on their light when they came. For years he was known as the “Candy Man” at church. The children would watch for when he came to church carrying a little brown paper bag filled with suckers which he would stash behind the pulpit until after church. I remember one incident involving Keith Harman. Daddy gave him a sucker and Gladys told him he couldn’t eat it until after lunch. Daddy told the smitten little boy to go ahead and “suck it”.  I’m not sure how he got by with that one!

Daddy served for a number of years as Virginia Mennonite Conference Secretary and was responsible for getting the MCC meat canner to come to Harrisonburg.  They exceeded their goal of 120 head of beef. He also set up a freezer for people to donate frozen vegetables, meat and soups for missionaries home on furlough. Daddy served as prison chaplain at the Linville Prison Camp for a lot of years. He was highly respect and earned enough trust from the officials that they sometimes allowed him to bring a few of the men to the farm or take them to church.

Daddy was a man of order and self-discipline.  He was never late anywhere.  We were always the first ones to arrive at church (30 minutes early) and would sit in the car in the parking lot waiting for others to arrive.  His farm was always mowed, trimmed, and painted. He milked on time. If he started at 4:20 in the afternoon, he would sit on the stone retainer wall outside the barn and wait for 4:20.  He would not start one minute early. He would count down, 10-9-8-7…1 and up we would jump! We ate our meals on time. Mother could see from the kitchen window when daddy was walking the path to the house and when he came in the door, she had the meal on the table.

Daddy and mother put a lot of effort into their grandchildren. They bought an RV and took their grandchildren out west or other camping trips. They let several of their granddaughters live with them while they went to college, and several gardened with them. They made several trips to Canada to see Kendra when she lived in Red Lake. They bought four-wheelers, motorcycles, go-carts, and a ping pong and pool table for them to have fun things to do when they came to his house.

I just finished reading through Deuteronomy.  God had told Moses to get ready to die and most of the book is Moses speaking to the children of Israel reminding them of what God had done for them, encouraging them to set up memorials and to tell their children what they meant so that they would know and remember God’s faithfulness. I want to tell a couple of stories of God’s faithfulness to daddy, how he experienced God.

When daddy was a little boy in the beginners Sunday School class at Bethany, he had one of his favorite single aunts, Aunt Martha, as his teacher. She offered him a surprise gift if he would pay attention and not be disturbing to her or the others in the class. Daddy said he worked hard and did his best. When the day came, she gave him a china mother dog with three little puppies. He was one happy, proud little boy and guarded them carefully. He said, “I was very possessive of them”.

One day his mother wanted to make a sand garden for the small stand that was Just inside the living room door. She put sand in a fish aquarium and then added many little objects to create an attractive scene. She wanted to borrow his little dogs and after struggling with the decision decided she could use them.

One day two of his younger brothers were chasing each other with one in hot pursuit. They dashed through the kitchen, into the living room and then went for the stairway that led to the safety of the bathroom with a lock. As they rounded the corner, they knocked over the stand and everything went crashing to the floor. Alas, his little dog was broken, and he let everyone know his displeasure with his crying.

Being a wise mother, she quieted him and talked to him about forgiveness and let him know he had to forgive them. Then she glued the dog back together and helped him work through restoring his relationship with his brothers.  Daddy said, “Praise God for a mother that would not let him hold a grudge”. He and his brothers became the best of friends.  Those china dogs were a treasured memorial that always set in the living room and reminded him of his first experience with forgiveness. He loved to tell us the story. He said, “Rich blessings sometimes come out of painful experiences.”

Another experience happened much later in life.

During daddy’s farming years a difficult situation developed with a neighbor.  When daddy told the story to his church, he called them by fictious names, Abraham and Sarah. I will do the same. Abraham developed an intense hatred for daddy and was vocal about it. Twenty-three years went by, and every time the man saw daddy, he would tell him how much he hated him.

One Saturday the phone rang, and Abraham said, “I want you to come over. I have something for you.” Daddy was caught off guard and hesitantly said he would come. But after getting off the phone and thinking about it for about 15 minutes he decided he did not want to go. He called Abraham back and said he would not come.

A little later, Abraham’s grandson knocked on his door with a bushel of apples. Daddy was stunned. He accepted the gift and then told mother to make a pie, he wanted to take it to Abraham. After thinking about it a little he realized something profound was happening and it required more than a pie. He went out to his work shop, and he saw a magazine rack that he had just finished making. He decided to take it to Abraham.

Daddy took one of his granddaughters with him and they went to Abraham’s house. Sarah invited him in. Abraham, who was 92 years old, was sitting at the kitchen table and there was an obvious change with him- a look of joy and a happy smile on his face. Daddy thanked him for the apples and gave him his gift. Abraham gushed over the magazine rack, exclaiming how beautiful it was. And then an amazing thing happened. They talked and asked forgiveness of each other and a relationship was restored.

That night daddy had a vision. He was driving a four-wheeler through one of his fields and came to a small pond of water-maybe 12 feet across. The water in it was crystal clear and stunningly beautiful. He looked up at the sky and it was dark. Out of the stormy clouds a waterfall spouted out and water cascaded down to the little pond. He became aware he was on holy ground and as he stood there he was baptized with the Holy Spirit. From that point on he felt a special anointing on the pastoral ministry. This was a Saturday night, and do you know what he had planned to preach on in the morning? The Holy Spirit. He emotionally shared that experience with his congregation that morning.  Again, he experienced sweet forgiveness, and it had a deep impact on his ministry.

One more story.

A man who lived in the church community developed an intense dislike for daddy and his ministry, threatening his life, telling him that if he drove up the road past his house on Sunday, he would shoot him. The man was very aware of what time daddy drove past his house.  After much prayer and discernment, daddy decided not to be intimidated and put his life in God’s hands. That Sunday he and mother decided to drive separate vehicles and they drove up the road past the man’s house to church as they always did. That was the end of the intimidation. God had revealed himself again in a powerful way to daddy.

There are many more stories I could share. As daddy struggled through his journey with dementia I often prayed that he would never loose his God consciousness.  Sunday night as I prayed for daddy, I pleaded for God’s mercy. I awoke extra early Monday morning and again daddy was heavy on my mind. I thought of Psalms 116:15,  “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” The word precious really hit me.  Precious is a powerful emotion-filled word. It means something of great value or high price, highly esteemed, cherished. I reminded God of that verse and claimed it for daddy. Within a very short time I got the call. Daddy was gone. Precious to God was the death of daddy. Daddy was highly esteemed and cherished by Jesus who paid a high and heavy price for all of our sins.  Daddy longed for the day when he would see the land that was fairer than day. By faith he could see it afar. He knew his Father that waited over the way and was preparing a dwelling place there.  Yes daddy, in the sweet by and by we will meet on that beautiful shore.

Eileen’s Tribute to Daddy

Over the years daddy and I became more than just father and daughter-in-law, we became friends.

Daddy was a man of many talents and skill. He was willing to try things. Some of those skills were farmer, preacher, woodworker, etc. But he had a talent that as far as I know he only used one time. That is the one I want to tell you about today.

One day daddy called me and aske me if I would go on a date with him. When your father-in-law ask for a date you say, “Sure, I would love to go.” “Where are we going?” I asked. Much to my surprise the fabric store!

Daddy explained to me that mother made quilts for all her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and that even included the one born this week on Tuesday (the day after he died), my granddaughter, Hannah Grace. He said mother blessed so many people with quilts and he wanted to bless her by making her a quilt.

I must confess at this point I was a little bit skeptical but off to the fabric store I went where I was to meet up with daddy. When I arrived mother also got out of the car. Daddy said she wanted to come along, BUT she promised she would not say anything.

Now the fun of picking fabric begins. Mother didn’t say anything but she stood about two steps behind daddy where I could see her but daddy could not.

Daddy would pull out fabric and mother would give non verbal advice. I remember he pulled out an orange fabric that he thought might look good. Mother’s reaction was…. (she shook her head no and with her finger sliced across her throat)!!! So I knew I had to make sure that it did not make the cut.

He bought his fabric and thanked me for the date and off he went to sew. When it was ready to quilt I asked daddy, “Who will quilt your quilt?” Daddy promptly said, “I have lady friends who quilt.” So he planned quilting parties-some of you may have part of one of those.

(Show quilt)

Some years went by and daddy had another question for me. He was at VMRC. He looked so lost and he motioned me over to his side and asked, “Eileen, where am I?”

Well daddy, today I can joyfully say, “You are home. Welcome home good and faithful servant.”

You are home.

Quilt daddy made mother

Several links:


The geni bug bite me in the eighth grade at John C. Myers Intermediate School and I still haven’t gotten over it! I had Mr. (James) Rush for history class and one of our assignments was to fill out a family tree chart. I loved it and took the project very seriously. I was amazed at how many generations I was able to track and it was fun discovering others who had some of the same ancestors. The following year I transferred to Eastern Mennonite High School and low and behold there was Mr. Rush. I couldn’t believe my good luck and had him several more times for history and government classes. I loved him and his style of teaching. He was probably my all time favorite high school teacher. He made learning fun and each time we again worked on our family trees.

Years later I was married and had four children; two were born with a genetic disease and died at five months and eight months of age. My grieving process led me to my family tree again and I ended up writing a book on my dad’s side (Heatwole) of the family. I find family stories fascinating. I will never be able to get the stories of all my ancestors but I have discovered some really insteresting ones.

The furthest back I have traced my family lineage is 13 generations through ancestor Peter Bronnimann who had a son Melchior Bronneman Sr. of Bovaria, who had a son (Melchior Bronneman the exile), who had a son (Melchior Brenneman the pioneer), who had a son (Melchior Brenneman Jr.) They show up on my family line six times and on Gene’s once. Through Melchior Brenneman the pioneer’s wife Elizabeth Jane Stehman I can go 17 generations.

There is another ancestor, a worthy clergyman, Pfarrer Georg Hutwohl, of Morschbach, Germany that I can trace back 14 generations. He was born in 1545. His great-great-great grandson immigrated to American in 1748. His story is another blog post… A Family Story: Death on the High Seas (Johann Mathias Hutwohl). The story of Mathias’ son David is A Family Story: Triumph Over Tragedy. and David’s son Gabriel, who was my great-great-great-great grandfather, was a prosper farmer and herb doctor in the Shenandoah Valley during the Civil War. A Family Story: Doc Gabe, the Herb Doctor.

This may sound absolutely absurb to some of you but I love reading the Biblical genealogies. It is amazing the little tidbits you can learn. The early family lines in Genesis included how old they were when they had their first son and how long they lived. Methuselah was the oldest when he died at 969 years of age (Genesis 5:27). When you read down through the begats… so and so begat so and so who begat so and so…. suddenly there is a name with something about them. Nimrod was a mighty hunter, Eber had two sons and one was named Peleg for in his day the earth was divided. (Genesis 10). Two of the sons of Ephraim were killed because they were cattle rustlers. You find out who were craftsman, linen workers and potters. Jubal was the father of all who played the harp and flute and Jabal was the father of those who dwelled in tents and owned livestock. Tubal-Cain was an instructor of every craftsman in bronze and iron. (Genesis 4). Goliath’s third son had six fingers on his hands and six toes on his feet. (I Samuel 21:20-21). King Og of Bashan was the last survivor of the giant Rephaites. His bed was made of iron and was more than thirteen feet long and six feet wide. (Deuteronomy 3:11). Fascinating stuff!…I could go on and on!

About two years ago my brother (Rich) and his wife (Marj) traveled out west and stopped as tourists at the Morman Temple in Salt Lake City. While there they visited their genealogy department where they have family records on probably everyone in the United States. They purchased a 2′ x 3′ poster of each of their family trees. The chart is so cool and well done I had to have one also. It put me on a search to order one for Gene and I. I started with the Morman website and couldn’t find anything. I called them but they said they don’t print charts like I was talking about but referred me to someone else who referred me to another who referred me to a lady who I had a more indepth conversation with and she gave me the lead I needed to find the right place. It was a real rabbit trail but I finally landed on the website.

Printing your family lineage is not hard, they already have all the work done for you, but it is a little process. The best part was the price. The cost per chart ended up being about $45 dollars. I wrote down the instructions to the process so I would not forget in case I wanted to do it again. I am sharing it with you so that you can print your family tree if it pushes your button.

Genealogy Print Chart

  1. First go to and set up an account. Put in your name and your parent’s name so that it is correct. Be sure to put your children’s names also.  (Note: I set up two accounts using my email for me and Gene’s email for him. Couldn’t figure out how to do both under my name.
  2. Go to This is the company that will print the chart from Family Search.
  3. I used the second chart option (9 generation in color-It shows Butt’s Family). If you choose 11 generation the only print option is 36”x72” and I do not have wall space for that large of a chart.  Click on the “Click Here Now” button under “Wow Have You Heard”? This will automatically take you to Family Search website. You may have to sign in there (I forget!).
  4. There are a number of steps here: First choose options. I chose list siblings. That put the sibs name in the center circle, not just mine. The descendants (grandchildren) do not work with 9-generation but I really like that option! Second choose print style: I chose Times Roman. Next choose size: I chose 24”x36”. Paper: I chose Prem #36 Bond and Finish: None. The last step I chose Print & Digital. They will send me the printed copy and I also will have a digital file. Go to shopping cart.  Be sure to click on the preview so that you know you have what you want.  Then check out. Click on pdf file and you can save it to your computer. I couldn’t figure out how to print it small. If you need help the contact number is for the guy at Treesek is 801-540-1973. He was really helpful and nice to talk to and answered all my questions.

I still have a few of my books left. If you would like a signed copy of my book “The Story of Melvin Jasper Heatwole and Mollie Grace Coffman” written in 1983, email me at They are $15 each plus shipping.

Psalms 145:4 says, “One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighy acts.” It is a challenge to pass on our stories of what God has done.

Moses basically told the children of Israel to get the geni bug, “Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations. Ask your father and elders and they will tell you….the stories of what God has done.” Deuteronomy 32:7

A Family Story: Doc Gabe, the Herb Doctor

Gabriel, my great-great-great-great grandfather (4 times great), born in 1789, was a young lad (between 7-10, depending which history source you read) when he rode the wagon south from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania to the Shenandoah Valley and his family settled in the shadow of Mole Hill near Hinton, Virginia. The family traveled with the barest of belongings and soon settled into the log cabin.  Even though young, Gabriel would have been a valuable asset to his father helping to clear timber to build a house, tilling the land to plant crops, and working in the clobber shop. Faith was an integral part of the Heatwole life.  He was taught and spoke the German language only.

In 1810, at the age of twenty-one he married Margaret (Polly) Swank. Two years later his first son was born, and by 1816 he had purchased a place of his own on Dry River where he set up a saw mill and cooper shop. “The History of the Heatwole Family” states, “Being of strong constitution, together with an indomitable will, he plied his axe and maul to advantage, and as the forest trees by which he was surrounded grew less in number, so little by little his few tillable acres in the course of time increased to quite a farm, the boundaries of which were so situated that never, through the whole course of his life, did it suit to join fencing with any of his neighbors.” It is recorded that either alone or with others he owned in excess of 3,000 acres. “By the Grace of God” says, “Doc Gabe had a saying which he truly believed and worked hard to make come true: ‘Prosperity comes to those who possess a strong will to succeed.’  Apparently Doc Gabe was born with that will, along with a genius for getting ahead.” He was fascinated with astronomy, studied his almanac, and planted and harvested by the phases of the moon.

From “By The Grace of God” I quote or retell all of the following….

Along with farming, he was a cooper by trade.  In his cooper shop he made many valuable antiques, measuring kegs, churns, baskets, wood flails , farm tools, fence palings, roof shingles and split bottom chairs. He was a woodsman and hunter, scouring the hills for rabbit, squirrel and coon.  It is reported that he used a Pennsylvania blunderbuss and old Yeager rifle which he had inherited from his grandfather Matheus.  It is said he and his eight sons were a lively clan, gadding about, outfitted in cowhide boots, thick, hand knitted salt and pepper socks, rough nutmeg breeches, cinnamon vests and onion-toned homespun collarless shirts. He taught his boys to whittle, whet and whistle. He taught them how to collect herbs and roots that he used in doctoring.

Photo copied from “By the Grace of God” by Nancy Burkholder Hess, page 114.

Doc Gabe

Around the age of 46, Gabe became interested in the study of medicine and ordered text books from a prescribed home study system put together by Dr. Samuel Thomson of Vermont which advocated “Natural remedies only are beneficial to the human body; therefore only vegetable and herb medicines should be taken internally.”  From the Thomson’s school of medicine he acquired the title “Thomsonian Herb Doctor” and the nickname “Doc Gabe”.  It is said that he was a good doctor; who saved lives, doctored during epidemics, delivered babies and answered  community needs. He raised grapes (wine), apples and herbs and yarb which he used in his doctoring. He build a doctoring office attached to the front of the house

A Man of Faith

Gabe was a man of strong faith and for church going, he and his boys would dress up in proper, somber attire. Gabe wore a black Prince Albert frock coat and a tall, wide-brimmed hat. He held to the Mennonite faith and was a pillar in the church as well as the Mole Hill community, supporting his church with his money as well as being vocal. Occasionally he was asked to preach. I quote, “All his children were raised by the Holy Write and fed Scripture pie and cake. They taught their children and grandchildren to live in peace and harmony just like the Great Designer planned”.  In 1847, he donated a portion of land on a bluff overlooking Dry River for a cemetery and a church which he and his boys built, along with their Mennonite neighbors. The Bank Mennonite Church was the third Mennonite church to be built in the Valley.

The Bank Mennonite Church was built in 1847. (Picture was taken around 1900). You can see from the picture the large size of the church and crowd of people signifying the rapid influx and growth of Mennonites in the area. Note the two entrance doors. Men sat on one side and women on the other. Photo was copied from “By the Grace of God” page 114.

Family Life

Gabriel and Polly had twelve children.  Their children were well versed in German and English and attended winter school. In their home was good reading material, singing books, world maps and newspapers from Pennsylvania. They ate well with meat always on the table from their butchered game, lamb, beef, hogs and chicken. He grew bumper crops of grain, hemp, tobacco, maize and hay. He always worked to improve and build up the soil. His animals were sleek and well-fed.  Like their European counterparts who feared contaminated water and threats of typhoid, they did not drink water unless it was boiled but sipped instead on cider and wine which Gabriel made and fermented deep in the dark small room in the cellar. When his children left home and married, he set them up on land from his vast acreage. It is amazing to me the difference in assets and wealth that happened so quickly between David’s father and his generation. Times were quickly changing.

Gabe: The Man

“Gabriel was a pleasant man of medium to small build, with a wide, winning smile, large puffy jaws and a good-sized Adam’s apple which jiggled up and down when he spoke. He had heavy steel brows and warm, dark, expressive Heatwole eyes. He was an ingenious codger, exceptionally intelligent, innovative, and shrewd. He was an ambitious man, robust by nature, hospitable, family-loving, a friend to all and entertaining to be around; ‘A happy contented man.’

Civil War

When he was seventy-two (1861), the Civil War began between the states. He and his family were deeply affected by the war. Being a peace-loving man. he doctored both Yankee and Rebel. Under the house he had a bed of hay where his grandson hid during the Civil War. Under the front room he kept his meat on hooks, safely hidden from marauding solders. During the war a horse was kept hidden in the basement. Once Polly went below and discovered a Yankee searching for food.  She fixed him a hearty meal before he went on his way.

In her book “By the Grace of God” Nancy Hess describes in much detail the horror and destruction of the war and its devastating impact on the valley.  The Mennonites, a peace-loving  people, refused to take up arms to fight. Though Gabriel was unscarred in body from the war, his old heart was torn asunder by the terrible war that had robbed him of his children and scattered his grandchildren. His house and barn was one of the few not burned.  I quote from “By the Grace of God”, page 130, “In this valley of grief, the war was ugly before the Federal General Sheridan came; but after his coming, the destruction wrought was almost incomprehensible……General P.H. Sheridan set out to burn everything. He already had instructions from Grant to make the Valley untenable for the Rebel Army. He used this excuse along with his wrath to devastate this Valley. In L.J. Heatwole’s scrapbook of recollections, he writes, ‘The morning after the terrible burning started, gray smoke hung over Mole Hill, a stench filled the air.’ Nearly every barn in West Rockingham County was burned, as were numerous houses.

There are two stories told about why Gabriel’s house and barn survived. One account has it that in her seventy-fourth year, Gabriel’s wife (Polly) stood by and dared Sheridan’s men to start a fire. When they lit a flame in the hay on the barn floor, she bravely scraped out the fire, not once, but three times. At least one descendant believes the barn was never set afire because of the medical assistance Doc Gabriel gave the North.”

No longer could he stand on Mole Hill and look out across his beautiful acres. Shortly after the war the lovable, old, white-haired doctor, semi-retired, either sold or divided most of his holdings between his twelve children and their children. On June 18, 1875, at the age of 85, he passed on to his reward.


From his fourth child, Joseph, comes my great-grandmother Molly Grace Coffman and from his seventh child, Jacob S, is the family line of great-grandfather Melvin Jasper Heatwole. It is the union of Melvin and Molly that I wrote my book “The Story of Melvin Jasper Heatwole and Molly Grace Coffman” in 1983.


I can not take credit for any of the information posted in this blog. It is a combination of information from:

  1. “History of the Heatwole Family” by Cornelius J. Heatwole, 1907.
  2. “By the Grace of God” by Nancy Burkholder Hess, 1979.  Some is quoted and some rewritten.

Permission from both parties was granted for the story to be retold in my book “The Story of Melvin Jasper Heatwole and Mollie Grace Coffman” by Pat Hertzler, 1982.

Additional blog posts:

A Family Story: Death on the High Seas

A Family Story: Triumph Over Tragedy

A Family Story: Triumph Over Tragedy

David S. Heatwole, my great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather, (6 times great!) was born in Lancaster County in 1767. Due to his father’s untimely death and the dire circumstances facing his mother, he was bound out as help to learn a trade at the tender age of nine.  The story of his parents is on the blog post A Family Story: Death on the High Seas.

Unfortunately, David was put into the rough hands of a Mr. Bear and was often the victim of extremely harsh treatment. He was so frequently mistreated that he carried scars to his grave from the beatings he received. He finally mustered the courage, ran away and went to live with a man by the name of Momaw until he was eighteen.  Finally his Uncle Christian Haas (later written Hess), his mother’s brother, took him in to live with them and taught him the shoemaker trade. This had to be a welcomed respite and healing for his injured spirit and body.

David excelled under the tutelage of his skilled Uncle and became a master of his trade. It is said that his shoes were never a left or right but fit either foot. He met and married sweet Magdalene Weland, who was five years his senior, in 1788 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Magdalene’s story: Indian Massacre

Magdalene’s parents had left Lancaster County when she was a little girl and establish a frontier home in a new colony about one hundred miles north of Harrisburg, PA in the rich fertile soil of Wyoming Valley on the banks of the upper fork of the Susquehanna River.  It was also known as “the Wilds”. Trouble with the Indians in this Luzerne County settlement started almost as soon as the family moved there. The encroachment of  the “pale faces” upon the Indian hunting grounds angered the hostile Indians. “Squatter Sovereignty” was not embraced in the code of laws by which the “red man” governed themselves. Most of the early settlers of that section learned by sad and fatal experience, that this was a true reality. Twice the Weland family was driven from their home and their buildings burned.

The second raid came on July 4, 1778 when the Indians joined with the British Loyalist to incite trouble.  They swooped down on the unsuspecting colonists in the terrible Wyoming Massacre and many lives were lost. One of Magdalene’s brothers was fatally shot and another wounded.  Fourteen year old Magdalene escaped by lying flat in the bottom of a canoe and floating downstream. She decided to remain with a Grabill family in Lancaster County where she had fled as a fugitive from the harrowing scene of the massacre. The rest of the family barely escaped with their lives.  It was during the seven years that she lived with the Grabills that she met and married David.

Life together….

A modern day picture of David’s first cobbler shop in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania

(Photo by Bertha Horst, a great, great, great, great granddaughter, taken in December 2015)

The first two to three years of their marriage, they lived in Lancaster where David set up a shoemaker’s shop and practiced his trade.  They then purchased a small farm in Chambersburg, PA where he set up another shoemaker shop.

Around 1792, quite a few of the German emigrants got restless feet as they heard about the rich, fertile, cheap land of the Shenandoah Valley. David, along with several others,  traveled to the Valley and bought 85 acres in Rockingham County for 300 pounds (approximately $1400.00). He still could not speak English and in giving his name to civil authorities for the deed of land they spelled it by the phonetic utterance of his name, Hetwol. It is thought that he also spent some time with his Uncle Christian Hess who had already settled in Turleytown in Rockingham County and was carrying on his shoemaker trade.

David, grateful for God’s guidance and provision, went back to Pennsylvania and informed his wife of his purchase and intentions. There is a little discrepancy between the two history sources listed below as to the exact timeline. It appears he returned to the valley and built a 16’x11′ cobbler cabin with logs harvested from his land.  He positioned it over a spring so he had fresh water underneath and a loft on top for temporary living until he could built a larger log cabin. Once it was completed, he returned to Pennsylvania, sold his land, loaded up his family and belongings and they traveled by horse and wagon to their new home.  Deed records show that his last name was recorded as Heatwole. The log cabin is still standing to this day.   (More details of the building and structure of the cabin are in Nancy Hess Burkholder’s book, “By the Grace of God” pages 70-75).


History records that David was one of the plain, unassuming men of his time and a strong believer and advocate of the non-resistant doctrine as taught by Menno Simons. He and his wife had both seen and experienced firsthand the horror of violence and war.

He was scrupulously exact in his mode of dress and that of his children, never varying in color or cut of garb. He taught his children the German language only. He was an elder in the Mennonite Church and tried to comply with what he believed to be the will of his Lord and Master.  Magdalene is remembered as a gentle mother who passed on much of the “before” history of the family to her children.

David and Magdalene had eleven children. It is from their oldest child, Gabriel, that my family line continues.  The family record records, “On October 26th, 1789, was born to us our son Gabriel, in the sign of the ‘Waterman.'” (History of the Heatwole Family).  The same format recorded the birth of all eleven children who lived and grew to adulthood. The story of Gabriel, the herb doctor, will be another blog post.

When I read the stories of my ancestors, emotions well up within me as I try to grasp the incredible risks, hardships, danger and sacrifice they endured to seek religious freedom in hopes of a better life for themselves and their children. This family endured horrendous tragedy but triumphed because of an enduring faith in an Almighty God. I am humbled and challenged to remain faithful, just as my ancestors before me.


I can not take credit for any of the information posted in this blog. It is a combination of information from “History of the Heatwole Family” by Cornelius J. Heatwole, 1907, and from “By the Grace of God” by Nancy Burkholder Hess, 1979. Some is quoted and some rewritten. Permission from both parties was granted for the story to be retold in my book “The Story of Melvin Jasper Heatwole and Mollie Grace Coffman” by Pat Hertzler, 1983. The log shoemaker cabin picture is copied from “History of the Heatwole Family, page 69.

If you want a fascinating read….

I highly recommend “By the Grace of God” by Nancy Burkholder Hess. She vividly and poignantly tells the story of the Mennonites  moving into the Shenandoah Valley, the ravages of the Civil War and the rebuilding of homesteads. Faith was such an important part of the settlers and that faith is woven into the stories.

Additional blog posts:

A Family Story: Death on the High Seas

A personal side note:

During my junior high and high school years, I had an extra-ordinary history teacher, James Rush, at least four times. He made history come alive whether it was family, local, state, national or world.  One of our many projects was constructing our family genealogy tree. It stirred a passion within me that has helped define my life, even today. I enjoy family history, especially the Heatwole line, and have written a book about my great-grandparents Melvin and Mollie Heatwole.

For high school, I went to Eastern Mennonite in Harrisonburg, Virginia and in the 1970 senior class of 79 students there were 22 of us that could claim David and Magdalene Heatwole as our ancestors.  We are most closely related through David’s son, Gabriel, and grandson Joseph:  Bonnie, Glenna, Eldon, Pat, Kathy and Edith.  Others more distant cousins are:  Grace, Leon, Kirk, Carol, Curt, Carl, Joy, Rich, Diana, Randy, June, Elaine, David, Keith, Sheldon, and John. (Thanks Edith Layman Rhodes for this tidbit of information).

David’s impact on the history of Rockingham County and the Mennonite community was and still is today, profound.


A Family Story: Death on the High Seas

(Photo taken from “By the Grace of God” by Nancy Burkholder Hess)

When you dig into your family history, you find some fascinating stories about your ancestors. Some are sad and devastating, others are amazing stories of surviving over impossible odds.

One such story is about Johann Matheus (sometimes written Mathias) Hutwohl, my great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather.  My family can trace it’s roots back to 1545 in Morschbach, Germany to Georg Hutwohl.  Johann is the 9th generation down from Georg.

Johann, who often went by his middle name Matheus, was born in 1711 and is known as the first Heatwole  (Hutwohl) immigrant to America.

On February 11, 1744, when he was thirty-three years old, he married Anna Christina nee Heiderich and they were blessed with two daughters, Christine Elizabeth (October 16, 1745) and Anna Susanna (October 17, 1747).  Religious persecution and the Thirty Year War had ravaged Europe making life bleak and difficult.  During the winter of 1748, Matheus and Anna began quietly making plans to give up their German homeland and sail to America in search of religious freedom.  By mid-summer they said goodbye to their families and homeland, went to the port in Bacharach, loaded a few personal belongings onto a ship and set sail down the Rhine River which branched into the Waal River. After docking at Dordrecht in the Netherlands, they traveled a short distance overland to the Dutch seaport of Rotterdam, arriving in late July.  The party of four booked passage on a vessel christened as the “Two Brothers” and began their journey to a new life in America. Leaving Holland,  they first docked in England where the immigrants obtained proper documentation to continue their advancement to North America.

The conditions on the ship were horrible and the food was bad and rationed.  We do not have the details of their voyage but history records that the conditions on the ship and the mistreatment of the passengers is beyond our comprehension. Passengers were so densely packed together that one sick person had to enhale the breath of another. Because of the stench, filth, and lack of food many developed scurvy, yellow fever, dysentery and other infectious diseases.  It was noted that a ship that could hold 400 would be stuffed with 1200.  The captains would ration food under the pretense that they must guard against famine, allowing only half rations of moldy bread and salt meat. The water was often black, thick and full of worms so that even with the greatest of thirst they could not drink it without disgust.  The mortality rate was high. The Hutwohls were ill prepared for the journey. (More of this story is written in “By the Grace of God” by Nancy Burkholder Hess, pages 63-66).

Three and a half months later on September 15, 1748, Thomas Arnott, Captain of the ship, docked at Mud Island Fort in sight of Philadelphia, PA. Matheus, a Lutheran, was one of the ninety-six German emigrants to sign the ship’s register. When the plank was lowered, he walked down the plank with a broken heart to the New World, alone. He had buried his wife and two little girls, ages 3 and 1, somewhere at sea.  It was reported that children seldom survived the journey across the rough Atlantic Ocean and no records were kept of those buried at sea or under the age of sixteen.

At the age of thirty-seven, he faced a new life alone in a strange land, an unfamiliar language, and very little personal belongings with a bitter grief. He found his way to the Conestoga Valley in Pennsylvania along with some of his other European friends and German neighbors and apparently was taken in by a kind-hearted family until he could get started on a place of his own.

When he arrived in America he had little money, only a good back and strong arms. He soon found land and began the back-breaking task of clearing the land by ox and axe. After the hard task of clearing the land and building shelter was done, God steered a good woman to him.

Around 1765, at the age of 54, he married a Miss Haas and they had six children: David, Jacob, John, Christian, Mary and Anna.  It is through this family that the Heatwole descendants in America can trace their family lineage.

About eleven years later (around 1776), Matheus died suddenly leaving a widow with six small children. He was trying to get a calf into the stable but the animal refused to cooperate and ran off into the woods. Matheus followed but did not return. He was later found in a sitting position, leaning against a tree, dead.

Times were difficult and because of the dire circumstances, it became necessary for his anguished widow to put the children out among strangers. David, through whom my ancestor line descended, was farmed out to work for Mr. Bear.  David’s story will be posted in another blog.


I can not take credit for any of the information in this post. It is a combination of information from “History of the Heatwole Family” by Cornelius J. Heatwole, 1907, and from “By the Grace of God” by Nancy Burkholder Hess, 1979. Some is quoted and some rewritten. Permission from both parties was granted for the story to be retold in my book “The Story of Melvin Jasper Heatwole and Mollie Grace Coffman” by Patricia H. Hertzler, 1983. The Heatwole Coat of Arms also comes from “By The Grace of God” page 66.

If you want a fascinating read….

I highly recommend the “By the Grace of God” by Nancy Burkholder Hess. She vividly and poignantly tells the story of the Mennonites in Germany, the devastation of the wars that ravished Europe.  She tells the story of immigrating to America and the unimaginable deplorable conditions of sailing on a boat to America.  Faith was such an important part of the settlers and that faith is woven into the stories.

Additional blog posts:

A Family Story: Triumph Over Tragedy


A Family Story: An Amazing Birth Miracle

I have never paid much attention to the Layman-Lehman-Lahman-Lemmon-Lamon (and several other variances of spelling) side of my family. Because it ties in through my Grandmother Heatwole’s mother, the Lahman name is only mentioned once in my family genealogy.

I was reminded of an amazing, fascinating story that I have heard about through my growing up years when we attended the “viewing visitation” this week for Laura Layman who passed away.  We were chatting with Martin, the son, and he happened to mentioned that we were fairly closely related. I never knew that. I went home, dug out the Martin A. Lahman  family history books and started to read.

My great-great grandparents, Martin A. Lahman and Catherine “Kate” Shank were married on October 29, 1874 when Kate was nineteen years old.  Kate, the fourth child of Michael and Lydia (Beery) Shank was a very teeny, tiny, preemie when she was born on December 2, 1855 at Edom, Virginia. It is reported that her face was the size of a silver dollar,  a kernel of corn covered her hand and she fit into a quart size cup. She weighed… source says  1-1/2 lbs. and another doesn’t mention her weight.  Her mother fed her with a medicine dropper, kept her warm beside the wood stove and tenderly nourished her to health. Until the age of six months, she was carried around on a pillow wrapped in a blanket. At the age of nine she weighed 37-1/2 pounds and walked to Pennsylvania beside the wagon that was taking her family to the North to escape the Civil War. In adult life she reached the height of 4 feet 10 inches.

I did some internet research and discovered the following website: How Babies Grow: Part 2.   The following information and pictures I quote from them.

The circles below show the average head circumference of a baby from 16 weeks to 40 weeks of pregnancy. At birth, a baby’s head is about 1/4th of his or her body length, compared to about 1/8th for an adult. To help put these sizes into perspective, let’s compare them to some common foods:

  • 16 weeks: an apricot
  • 20 weeks: an egg
  • 24 weeks: a tangerine
  • 28 weeks: a lemon
  • 32 weeks: a large orange
  • 36 weeks: a grapefruit
  • 40 weeks: a small cantaloupe

We were never told how premature Kate was.  I also did some online research about the development of babies and found that doctors now consider 22 weeks the earliest gestational age when a baby is “viable,” or able to survive outside the womb. Even with today’s technology and advanced medicine, this is still considered extremely premature, and a baby born at this age will need a great deal of medical attention and the risk of permanent disability is very high.  The stats say a 23-week old fetus has a 20-35% chance of surviving. The earliest known record in the world is 21 weeks and a few days.

I took a string and cut it to 5 inches to represent the 16-week baby in the chart above and formed it into a circle. It went around a silver dollar perfectly which matches the stated size of Kate’s head.  A 16-week old baby is about 4-1/2 inches long from head to rump and weighs 3-1/2 ounces which would fit into a quart cup. By this time the arms and legs are fully developed,  the head is becoming more erect and toenails have started growing. The patterning on the scalp has begun but there is no hair. The heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day. The backbone is developing in strength and the nervous system is making connection with the muscles allowing the baby to move, flex, yawn, make facial expressions and suck it’s thumb. The skin is still translucent and you can see blood vessels under the skin and the eyelids are still closed. It makes me wonder, could Kate really have been that premature? It doesn’t seem possible. A fetus at 25 weeks is 13.62 inches long and weighs 1.48 pounds. The skin is beginning to smooth out and the head is the size of rutabaga.  This is a more likely the age except the size of the face and hand do not fit.  However premature she was, whether 16 or 25 weeks, in that period of time, without medical care,  it was truly a miracle from God that she survived.

Now, stop and think about this a little. It is the year of 1855.  Babies were not born in a hospital. The baby would have been born at home and this mother was not going to give up on her precious little one.  It is winter, and there would be no incubator, no IV drip, no special lights, no tube feeding, no monitors, no sterile environment and no medical staff 24/7. This diligent mother accomplished an impossible feat. She created her own “incubator” by the wood stove. Can’t you just see her sitting there in her wooden rocker day and night as she nursed and prayed her little one to health and life.  I wonder,  how did she do it? How did she get enough nourishment into her tiny baby?  How did she protect the skin? How did she keep her baby consistently warm in a big old drafty farmhouse with wood heat? This is truly an amazing, God-given miracle. Kate grew, married, and gave birth to 15 children of her own. Her oldest, a daughter named Lydia Frances after Kate’s mother, is my great-grandmother.

Just a bit about Martin and Kate’s life…..

(This information comes from the “Martin A. Lahman Family” book by Helen F. Lahman).

They started housekeeping in Mt. Clinton, Virginia at a place near the crossroads where Mt. Clinton Pike crosses Muddy Creek. They later bought a farm about two miles south of Harrisonburg in the Stone Spring area where they operated a feed and saw mill. They produced large quantities of cane molasses, apple butter and cider. In later years, the city of Harrisonburg purchased the mill, house and 35 acres of land and built a disposal and sewage treatment plant on the property.

Martin was a member of the Virginia committee that compiled the “Church and Sunday School Hymnal” under the auspices of Mennonite General Conference.

In 1904, at the age of 58, Martin passed away and ten years later Kate married a childhood sweetheart, Henry Blosser.  Kate suffered a stroke in 1931 that affected her speech and died from a heart failure in 1932 at the age of 76.

Just a bit about the Lahman names…..

(This information comes from the “Martin A. Lahman Family” book by Helen F. Lahman).

The families of the Lehman-Lahmans came from Swiss-German descent. The first earliest records trace back to central Europe (Zurich, Germany and Berne, Switzerland) during the Protestant Reformation during the time of Luther, Calvin and Zwingli. They probably fled and migrated to America because of severe persecution and in search of religious freedom.

According to records, Lehman is from the middle high German “leheman” meaning one who holds land on feudal tenure. This is a man who receives a piece of land as a fief (lehen) and not as his complete possession was called a Lehenman or later Lehman.

The name Lehman has many spelling variations including; Lehmann, Leman, Leeman, Leaman, Lemon, Laman, Lahman, and Layman. Numerous ancestors were found using different spellings on different official records of deeds, marriages and tombstone, even those obviously referring to the same person. This diversity may have been caused by illiteracy or English speaking clerks who tried to understand the thick German accent. The most commonly used variations of the name today are Lahman, Lehman and Layman.

Note: if any of the Lahman-Layman-Lehman  families know more of the story I would love for you to respond.  Also, it would be interesting to know other kinfolk among my friends that I didn’t know I had!

Descendants of Martin and Kate and how we fit together.

Martin and Kate had 15 children.  Listed below is a brief list of you descendants that I know and how we connect. Some of the family lines I do not know any of the descendants. I had no idea some of the folks that connected in-some are even my good friends or folks I have know all my life! An interesting note, all the boys in the family except for Byard changed the spelling of their name to Layman.

  1. Lydia Frances (James Shank):  Fannie (Joseph) Heatwole, Beerys (Old Orders), John Henry (Mary) Brenneman, Byard (Ruth Hertzler) Shank. An interesting note here is that my Uncle Byard married Gene’s Aunt Ruth. However, that did not make Gene and I related-we just had good taste in cousins!
  2. Ada Virginia (Perry Blosser):
  3. Charles L: Died at age 19
  4. Michael Abraham (Sarah Baker) Layman:
  5. John Calvin Layman (1st: Isa Beery, 2nd: Katie Horst): Nathan (Laura) Layman (See more of this story in the “Comment” by Martin Layman).
  6. Joseph Martin (Mamie Miller) Layman:
  7. Abbie Catherine (Daniel Shank):
  8. Emory Aaron: Died at age 9
  9. Hannah Mary (Joseph Brunk) : Gerald (Sophia) Martin, Donna (Nelson) Suter,  Mildred (Harry) Kraus
  10. Ottilla May (Luther Bowman): Brownie (Irving) Burkholder,  Vada (Dwight) Swartz,  Millard (Oma) Bowman, Lelia (James) Heatwole
  11. Byard Earl (Ethel Heatwole) Lahman: Harold (Evelyn) Lahman
  12. Della Pearl (Walter Hartman):
  13. Roy Jacob (Clarice Swartz) Layman: Emory (Luella) Layman
  14. Isa Dora (Emory Coakley):
  15. Clement Weaver (Nina Heatwole) Layman: Wilbur (Helen) Layman. Wilbur’s daughter Edith was my best friend during high school.

There were five of us second-once removed cousins in the 1970 graduating class at Eastern Mennonite High School; Eldon Heatwole, Dwight Layman, Dwight Burkholder, Edith Layman and myself.  And guess what, I never had a clue!


  • “Martin A. Lahman Family” book by Helen F. Lahman,
  • “Martin A. Lahman Family History” by Mildred Brunk Kraus and Harry L. Kraus Sr. 1996.