Posts Tagged ‘Genesis 9:11’

“I Will Remember”

Dark, stormy clouds, driving rain from the east, and a brilliant sun setting in the west made perfect conditions for a rainbow. I kept watching and suddenly, there it was….the sun reflected on tiny droplets of water creating a beautiful arch of seven colors with one end touching down between the woods and silo right behind our house. The spectrum of colors are always the same and in the same order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

I have never seen the end of the bow touch down so close.  I tried to get a picture but the rain was blowing in the door and I had to snap fast.

Ancient “folklore” says there is a pot of gold at the end of the bow if you can find it.  But Genesis records “ancient fact”, the real story of the “great flood” that covered the whole earth, covering the highest mountain tops.  Only Noah and his family were spared because they were righteous. The Bible says that God was so grieved at the sinfulness of man that he was sorry that he had created him. When the flood was over and Noah, his family, and all the animals emerged from the ark, they offered a burnt offering to God. God was pleased and blessed Noah and all his future descendants (which includes every living person on the earth) with a promise.

God said, “The rainbow shall be in the cloud and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and  every living creature on the earth.”

Genesis 9:16

When God sees the bow in the sky, He remembers His promise.

Do you know what that promise is?

“I establish My covenant with you; Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.”

Genesis 9:11

When I see the bow, I remember that it is a reminder of God’s promise.

It was neat to see the rainbow and remember God’s special promise this evening. I always, always, always, remember the meaning of the rainbow when I see one. I was also reminded again that God sees the rainbow.  He saw it touching our farm. God’s gaze was close at hand and He remembered.  This evening on our farm, God was reminded of a promise he made long ago: a promise that He is and will keep until the end of time.