Posts Tagged ‘Longing for heaven’

Bye Mommy

When loved ones are dying, it changes our life perspective and makes us think about heaven… a lot. We watch them cling to the earthly while the heavenly begins to pull stronger.

I was reminded recently of a blog post I wrote about my granddaughter Lauren in January 2004. It seems appropriate to post now.

Lauren was running as fast as her little legs could carry her to my house.  But every few steps she would stop, turn back towards Mommy standing on her front porch just across the drive, clinch and unclench her fist to wave, and say, “Bye Mommy.”  The pull to the comfort and love of Grandma’s house was huge, but to leave Mommy for even a small time was also a big deal. The moment she was in the door she no longer looked back.

It reminds me of our life struggle. My desire to see Jesus and to live with Him forever has me running full steam ahead while the love of the present has me strongly anchored to earth’s soil.  God has prepared a heavenly city with precious stones.  A mansion is waiting with streets of gold.  There is a river of life flowing with crystal clear, nourishing, everlasting water.  The banquet table, laden with food, is set. There is a tree bearing life-giving fruit every month.  The heavenly garments are washed pure white.  But my shoestrings are firmly knotted to my anchors. 

How can one say goodbye to loved ones?

How could my family get along without me?

Who will complete my unfinished work? 

Who will cherish my treasures?

I want to see my granddaughters grow up and hold their babies.

I love my husband and cherish our time together.

I still have things to do, places to go and words to say.

The pull towards the comfort of my heaven home is huge.  Father God is there. I often look to the sky and wonder when Jesus will return.  To leave earth is also a big deal even though Scripture reminds us over and over that our time here is temporal and fleeting. I am strongly rooted and attached to the things of this earth. God has created within us a desire for fellowship and belonging.  God blessed the creation of male and female and commanded us to be stewards of the earth, to be fruitful and multiply.  Jesus commanded us to make disciples in every nation.   I am grateful it is not for me to decide when my task is done.

Titus challenges us to keep a proper perspective while on earth, “looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13)  When God beckons, my shoelaces will snap and I will go; I will not look back for I shall see His face.